1. A new book by Peter Galenko:Phase Field Theory in Materials Physics: The Hodograph Equation
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250 Pages. Edition No: 1. 978-3-031-49277-8. Springer, 2024.
2. A book in russian by Peter Galenko, Vladimir Ankudinov, Ilya Starodumov:
Rapid dynamics in Phase Field Method: Microscopic
240 Pages. Edition No: 2. 978-5-4344-0972-8. R&C Dynamics, Izhevsk, Russia 2022.
- P. Galenko, V. Ankudinov, and I. Starodumov, Phase Field Crystals: Fast Interface Dynamics. 2018, 123 pp.
- D.M. Herlach, P.K. Galenko, D. Holland-Moritz, Metastable solids from undercooled melts. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2006, 448 pp.
- P.K. Galenko, V.A. Zhuravlev, Physics of Dendrites: Computational Experiments. World Scientific, Singapore, 1994, 212 pp.
- V. Ankudinov, K. R. Elder, and P. K. Galenko, “Traveling waves of the solidification and melting of cubic crystal lattices,” Phys. Rev. E, vol. 102, no. 6, p. 062802, Dec. 2020, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.102.062802.
- V. Ankudinov, I. Starodumov, N. P. Kryuchkov, E. V. Yakovlev, S. O. Yurchenko, and P. K. Galenko, “Correlated noise effect on the structure formation in the phase-field crystal model,” in Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2020, p. mma.6887, doi: 10.1002/mma.6887.
- G. A. Gordeev, V. Ankudinov, E. V. Kharanzhevskiy, and M. D. Krivilyov, “Numerical simulation of selective laser melting with local powder shrinkage using FEM with the refined mesh,” Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top., vol. 229, no. 2–3, pp. 205–216, Feb. 2020, doi: 10.1140/epjst/e2019-900100-6.
- L. V. Toropova, D. V. Alexandrov M. Rettenmayr, P.K. Galenko, A selection criterion for n-fold symmetry of dendrite growth in the presence of convective flow, Journal of Crystal Growth 535 (2020) 125540-1-4;
- P.K.Galenko, M.D. Krivilyov, E.V. Kharanzhevskiy, Preface to special issue «Crystallization: Computer Models and Experiment», Journal of Crystal Growth Volume 540 (2020) 125655;
- V. Ankudinov, P.K. Galenko, Growth of different faces in a body centered cubic lattice: a case of the phase-field-crystal modeling. J. Crystal Growth 539 (2020) 125608-1-5.
- Subhedar, P.K. Galenko, F. Varnik, Thin interface limit of the double sided phase field model with convection, Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society A 378 (2020) 20190540-1-20;
- D.V. Alexandrov, P.K. Galenko, A shape of dendritic tips, Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society A 378 (2020) 20190243-1-17.
- L.V. Toropova, D.V. Alexandrov, M. Rettenmayr, P.K. Galenko, The role of intense convective flow on dendrites evolving with n-fold symmetry, J. Crystal Growth 535 (2020) 125540-1-4
- Salhoumi and P.K. Galenko, Fast traveling waves in the phase-field theory: effective mobility approach versus kinetic energy approach, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32 (2020) 204003-1-10
- Kao, L.V. Toropova, D.V. Alexandrov, G. Demange, and P.K. Galenko, Modeling of dendrite growth from undercooled nickel melts: sharp interface model versus enthalpy method, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32 (2020) 194002-1-8
- E.V. Kharanzhevskiy, P.K. Galenko, M. Rettenmayr, S. Koch, R. Wonneberger, W. Dreier, D.M. Herlach, M.A.Yagovkina, D.A. Kirilenko, V.A. Bershtein, P.N. Yakushev, L.M. Egorova, V.N. Gurin, M.V. Zamoryanskaya, A.V. Egorov, A.S. Senchenkov, Study of structure, composition, Thermal and mechanical properties of a grlass forming Pd-Ni-Cu-P alloy. European Physical Journal: Special Topics 229 (2020) 157-165;
- L. V. Toropova, P.K. Galenko, D. V. Alexandrov, M. Rettenmayr, G. Demange, A. Kao, Effect of crystalline symmetry order on the kinetics of ice dendrite growth. European Physical Journal: Special Topics 229 (2020) 275-286 doi: 10.1140/epjst/e2019-900103-0
- Subhedar, P.K. Galenko, F. Varnik, Diffuse interface models of solidification with convection: The choice of a finite interface thickness. European Physical Journal: Special Topics 229 (2020) 447-452; DOI: 10.1140/epjst/e2019-900099-5
- Salhoumi, D.V. Alexandrov and P.K. Galenko, Hodograph-equation for rapid solidification of Si–0.1 at.% As alloy melt. European Physical Journal: Special Topics 229 (2020) 439–445;
- G.L. Buchbinder, P.K. Galenko, Boundary interface conditions and solute trapping near the transition to diffusionless solidification, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 229 (2020) 287-294;
- P.K. Galenko, D.A. Danilov, Morphological stability diagram for slowly and rapidly solidifying binary systems. European Physical Journal: Special Topics 229 (2020) 353-364; DOI: 10.1140/epjst/e2019-900104-6
- O.V. Kazak, D.V. Alexandrov, P.K. Galenko, Effect of tiny amount of impurity and convective transport on dendrite growth kinetics, European Physical Journal: Special Topics 229 (2020) 239-251; DOI: 10.1140/epjst/e2019-900143-8
- P.K. Galenko, R. Wonneberger, S. Koch, V. Ankudinov, E.H. Kharanzhevskiy, M. Rettenmayr, Bell-shaped “dendrite velocity-undercooling” relationship with an abrupt drop of solidification kinetics in glass forming Cu-Zr(-Ni) melts. J. Crystal Growth 532 (2020) 125411-1-5; DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2019.125411
- K. Titova, D.V. Alexandrov, P.K. Galenko, Thermo-solutal growth of a dendritic crystal in the form of an elliptical paraboloid with forced convection, J. Crystal Growth 531 (2020) 125319-1-4; DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2019.125319
- D.C. Van Hoesen, G. Lohöfer, M.E. Sellers, C.E. Pueblo, S. Koch, P.K. Galenko, A.K. Gangopadhyay, K.F. Kelton, Resistivity saturation in metallic liquids above a dynamical crossover temperature observed in measurements aboard the International Space Station, Physical Review Letters 123, 226601-5 (2019) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.226601
- D. Herlach, S. Burggraf, M. Reinartz, P.K. Galenko, M. Rettenmayr, Ch.-A. Gandin, H. Henein, A. Mullis, A. Ilbagi, J. Valloton, Dendrite growth in undercooled Al-rich Al-Ni melts measured on Earth and in Space, Physical Review Materials 3 (2019) 073402-1-7; DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.3.073402
- P.K. Galenko and D. Jou, Rapid solidification as non-ergodic phenomenon, Physics Reports 818 (2019) 1-70 doi: 10.1016/j.physrep.2019.06.002
- E. Titova, P.K. Galenko, D.V. Alexandrov, Method of evaluation for the non-stationary period of primary dendritic crystallization, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 134 (2019) 176-181 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpcs.2019.06.002
- P.K. Galenko, A. Salhoumi, V. Ankudinov, Kinetics of rapid crystal growth: phase field theory versus atomistic simulations, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 529 (2019) 012035-1-6; DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/529/1/012035
- V. Lebedev, P.K Galenko, The Effect of Nonisothermality on the Early Stages of Spinodal Decomposition, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2019, Vol. 129, No. 1, pp. 86–96. DOI: 10.1134/S1063776119050030
- D.V. Alexandrov, E.A. Titova, P.K. Galenko, A shape of dendritic tips at high Péclet numbers, J. Crystal Growth 515 (2019) 44–47. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2019.03.008
- D.V. Alexandrov, P.K. Galenko, Selection Criterion of Stable Mode of Dendritic Growth with n-fold Symmetry at Arbitrary Peclet Numbers in the Presence of a Forced Convection. Chapter 17 in: S. Gutschmidt et al. (eds.), IUTAM Symposium on Recent Advances in Moving Boundary Problems in Mechanics, IUTAM Bookseries 34, 203-215 pp., (Springer, Berlin, 2019).
- P. K. Galenko, V. Ankudinov, Local non-equilibrium effect on the growth kinetics of crystals, Acta Materialia 168 (2019) 203-209 doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2019.02.018
- P. K. Galenko, V. Ankudinov, K. Reuther, M. Rettenmayr, A. Salhoumi and E.V. Kharanzhevskiy, Thermodynamics of rapid solidification and crystal growth kinetics in glass forming alloys. Philosophical Transactions A 377 (2019) 20180205-1-24. doi: 10.1098/rsta.2018.0205
- O.V. Gusakova, P.K. Galenko, V.G. Shepelevich, D.V. Alexandrov, M. Rettenmayr, Diffusionless (chemically partitionless) crystallization and subsequent decomposition of supersaturated solid solutions in Sn-Bi eutectic alloy. Philosophical Transactions A 377 (2019) 20180204-1-15 doi: 10.1098/rsta.2018.0204
- M. Mohr, R. K. Wunderlich, S. Koch, P.K. Galenko, A. K. Gangopadhyay, K. F. Kelton, J.Z. Jiang, H.-J. Fecht, Surface tension and viscosity of Cu50Zr50 measured by the oscillating drop technique on board the International Space Station. Microgravity Science and Technology 31(2), (2019) 177-184; doi: 10.1007/s12217-019-9678-1
- M. Krivilyov, D. Aflyatunova; V. Lebedev, P.K Galenko, Phase-field simulation of non-isothermal phase separation in rapidly quenched Co-Cu melts. Computational Materials Science 158 (2019) 289-295. DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2018.11.010
- K. Reuther, P.K. Galenko, M. Rettenmayr, Dynamic instability of the steady state of a planar front during non-equilibrium solidification of binary alloys, Journal of Crystal Growth 506 (2019) 55-60. doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2018.10.008
- P.K. Galenko, V. Ankudinov and I. Starodumov, Phase-Field Crystals: Fast Interface Dynamics (de Gruyter, Berlin, 2018) ISBN: 978-3-11-058597-1
- G.L. Buchbinder, P.K. Galenko, Boundary conditions and heat resistance at the moving solid–liquid interface, Physica A 489 (2018) 149-162 doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2017.08.001
- P.K. Galenko, D.V. Alexandrov, From atomistic interfaces to dendritic patterns. Philosophical Transactions A 376 (2018) 20170210-1-9.DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2017.0210
- D. Jou, P.K. Galenko, Coarse-graining for fast dynamics of order parameters in the phase-field model. Philosophical Transactions A 376 (2018) 20170203-1-15 DOI:10.1098/rsta.2017.0203
- P.K. Galenko, I.G. Nizovtseva, K. Reuther, and M. Rettenmayr, Kinetic transition in the order–disorder transformation at a solid/liquid interface. Philosophical Transactions A 376 (2018) 20170207-1-12 DOI 10.1098/rsta.2017.0207
- I.G. Nizovtseva, P.K. Galenko, Traveling-wave amplitudes as solutions of the phase field crystal equation, Philosophical Transactions A 376 (2018) 20170202-1-15 DOI 10.1098/rsta.2017.0202
- D.V. Alexandrov, P.K. Galenko, L.V. Toropova, Thermo-solutal and kinetic modes of stable dendritic growth with different symmetries of crystalline anisotropy in the presence of convection, Philosophical Transactions A 376 (2018) 20170215-1-30 DOI 10.1098/rsta.2017.0215
- P.K. Galenko, D.V. Alexandrov, E.V. Titova, The boundary integral theory for slow and rapid curved solid-liquid interfaces propagating into binary systems, Philosophical Transactions A 376 (2018) 20170218-1-36 DOI 10.1098/rsta.2017.0218
- D.V. Alexandrov, P.K. Galenko, Thermo-solutal growth of an anisotropic dendrite with six-fold symmetry, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30(10) (2018) 105702 doi: 10.1088/1361-648X/aaab7b
- P.K. Galenko, I. G. Nizovtseva, K. Reuther, and M. Rettenmayr, Kinetics of the Formation of a Disordered Crystal Structure during High-Speed Solidification. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Vol. 127, No. 1 (2018) pp. 107–114; doi: 10.1134/S106377611807004X
- D. V. Alexandrov, L. V. Toropova, and P.K. Galenko, Thermo-solutal growth of an anisotropic dendrite in the case of convective heat and mass transfer in a binary system. AIP Conference Proceedings 1978, 470065 (2018); doi: 10.1063/1.5044135
- L. V. Toropova, D. V. Alexandrov, and P.K. Galenko, Solvability criterion for stable mode of dendritic evolution in the case of convective heat and mass transfer in a binary alloy. AIP Conference Proceedings 1953, 040005 (2018); doi: 10.1063/1.5032625
- L. V. Toropova, D. V. Alexandrov, and P. K. Galenko, How the convective heat transport at the solid/liquid phase interface influences the stable mode of dendritic growth. AIP Conference Proceedings 1997(1), 020030 (2018); doi: 10.1063/1.5049024
- L. V. Toropova, D. V. Alexandrov, and P. K. Galenko, On the theory of dendritic growth under convective heat and mass transfer in a binary alloy. AIP Conference Proceedings 2034, 020003 (2018); doi: 10.1063/1.5067346
- P. K. Galenko, D. V. Alexandrov, L. V. Toropova, M. Rettenmayr and D.M. Herlach, Effect of forced convection on dendritic growth: theoretical modeling and analysis of recent experimental results. In: Solidification and Gravity VII. Edited by: A. Roósz, Zs. Veres, M. Svéda, G. Karacs. (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, University of Miskolc, 2018) pp. 259 – 264. ISBN: 978-963-508-889-8
- E.A. Titova, D.V. Aleksandrov, and P.K. Galenko, Boundary Integral Equation Study of the Growth of a Dendritic Elliptic Paraboloid Crystal, Russian Metallurgy (Metally), Vol. 2018, No. 8, pp. 737–741. DOI: 10.1134/S0036029518080165
- I. Starodumov, P. Galenko, N. Kropotin, D. Alevandrov, On approximation of a periodic solution of the phase field crystal equation in simulations by the finite elements method (2018) Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 2018, Volume 9, Issue 4, Pages 265–278 doi:10.25209/2079-3316-2018-9-4-265-278
- D.V. Alexandrov, P.K. Galenko, Boundary integral approach for propagating interfaces in a binary non-isothermal mixture, Physica A 469 (2017) 420-428. DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2016.11.062
- I.G. Nizovtseva, P.K. Galenko, D.V. Alexandrov, Traveling wave solutions for the hyperbolic Cahn-Allen equation, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 94 (2017) 75-79 10.1016/j.chaos.2016.11.010
- P.K. Galenko, D.A. Danilov, K. Reuther, D.V. Alexandrov, M. Rettenmayr, D.M. Herlach, Effect of convective flow on stable dendrite growth in rapid solidification of a binary alloy, J. Crystal Growth 457 (2017) 349-355 doi: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2016.07.042
- D.V. Alexandrov, P.K. Galenko, I.O. Starodumov and V.V. Polyakova, FOREWORD to the International Conference “Structural and Phase Transformations in Materials: Theory, Computer Modelling and Experiment“, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 192 (2017) 011001-1-6; doi:10.1088/1757-899X/192/1/011001
- E.A. Titova, D.V. Alexandrov, P.K. Galenko, A relaxation time of secondary dendritic branches to their steady-state growth, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 192 (2017) 012002-1-5
- I.G. Nizovtseva, P.K. Galenko, General set of traveling wave solutions for amplitude equations in the phase field crystal model, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 192 (2017) 012004-1-9
- I. Starodumov, P. Galenko, D. Alexandrov, N. Kropotin, Influence of computational domain size on the pattern formation of the phase field crystals, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 192 (2017) 012008-1-5
- A. Salhoumi, P.K. Galenko, Analysis of interface kinetics: solutions of the Gibbs-Thomson-type equation and of the kinetic rate theory, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 192 (2017) 012014-1-9
- V. Ankudinov, P.K. Galenko, The diagram of phase-field crystal structures: an influence of model parameters in a two-mode approximation, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 192 (2017) 012019-1-6
- E.A. Titova, D.V. Alexandrov, P.K. Galenko, Boundary integral approach for elliptical dendritic paraboloid as a form of growing crystals, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 192 (2017) 012025-1-7
- P.K. Galenko, R. Hanke, P. Paul, S. Koch. M. Rettenmayr, J. Gegner, D.M. Herlach, W. Dreier, E.V. Kharanzhevski, Solidification kinetics of CuZr alloy: Ground-based and microgravity experiments, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 192 (2017) 012028-1-11
- O.V. Kazak, P.K. Galenko, D.V. Alexandrov, Influence of tiny amounts of impurity on dendritic growth in undercooled melts, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 192 (2017) 012030-1-8
- D.V. Alexandrov, P.K. Galenko, Dendritic growth with the six-fold symmetry: Theoretical predictions and experimental verification, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 108 (2017) 98-103 doi: 10.1016/j.jpcs.2017.04.016
- J. Gao, A. Kao, V. Bojarevics, K. Pericleous, P.K. Galenko, D.V. Alexandrov, Modeling of convection, temperature distribution and dendritic growth in glass-fluxed nickel melts, J. Crystal Growth 471 (2017) 66-72
- D.V. Alexandrov, P.K. Galenko, Selected mode for rapidly growing needle-like dendrite controlled by heat and mass transport, Acta Materialia 137 (2017) 64-70 DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2017.07.022
- P.K. Galenko, K. Reuther, O.V. Kazak, D.V. Alexandrov, and M. Rettenmayr, Effect of convective transport on dendritic crystal growth from pure and alloy melts, Applied Physics Letters 111 (2017) 031602-1-5 (doi: 10.1063/1.4985340)
- D.M. Herlach, S. Burggraf, P.K. Galenko, Ch.-A. Gandin, A. Garsia-Escorial, H. Henain, C. Karrasch, A. Mullis, M. Rettenmayr, J. Valloton, Solidification of Undercooled Melts of Al-based Alloys on Earth and in Space, JOM 69(8) (2017) 1303-1310 DOI: 10.1007/s11837-017-2402-y
- P. Galenko, D. Danilov, I. Nizovtseva, K. Reuther, and M. Rettenmayr, Disorder trapping by rapidly moving phase interface in an undercooled liquid, EJP Web of Conferences 151 (2017) 05001-1-10. DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/20171510
- D.V. Alexandrov, P.K. Galenko, Selected mode of dendritic growth with n-fold symmetry in the presence of a forced flow, Europhysics Letters 119 (2017) 16001-1-7 doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/119/16001
- . Starodumov, V. Ankudinov, and P. Galenko, Simulation of crystalline pattern formation by the MPFC method. MATEC Web of Conferences 129 (2017) 02035-1-4 (DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201712902035)
- I. Starodumov, P. Galenko, N. Kropotin, D. Alexandrov, Influence of Initial Seed Distribution on The Pattern Formation of The Phase Field Crystals, AIP Conference Proceedings 1906 (2017) 200006-1-4. DOI: 10.1063/1.5012482
- D.V. Alexandrov, P.K. Galenko, Dendritic growth in an inclined viscous flow. Part 1. Hydrodynamic solutions, AIP Conference Proceedings 1906 (2017) 200003-1-4. doi: 10.1063/1.5012479
- D.V. Alexandrov, P.K. Galenko, Dendritic growth in an inclined viscous flow. Part 2. Numerical examples, AIP Conference Proceedings 1906 (2017) 200004-1-4. doi: 10.1063/1.5012480
- D.M. Herlach, P.K. Galenko, M. Rettenmayr, Design of Metastable Materials: Experimental techniques and modelling of non-equilibrium solidification. Proceedings of the 6th Decennial International Conference on Solidification Processing, 25-28 July 2017; Old Winsdor, UK, Edited by Z. Fan. BCAST, Brunel University (2017) pp. 26-29.
- J. Bueno, I. Starodumov, H. Gomez, P. Galenko, D. Alexandrov, Three dimensional structures predicted by the modified phase field crystal equation. Computational Materials Science 111 (2016) 310-312.
- J. Gao, M. Han, A. Kao, K. Pericleous, D.V. Alexandrov, P.K. Galenko, Dendritic growth velocities in an undercooled melt of pure nickel under static magnetic fields: a test of theory with convection. Acta Materialia 103 (2016) 184-191.
- A. Salhoumi and P.K. Galenko, Gibbs-Thomson condition for the rapidly moving interface in a binary system. Physica A 447 (2016) 161-171.
- V.E. Ankudinov, P.K. Galenko, N.V. Kropotin, M.D. Krivilyov, Atomic density functional and diagram of structures in the phase field crystal model // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 122(2) (2016) 298-309.
- D.V. Alexandrov, D.A. Danilov, P.K. Galenko, Selection criterion of a stable dendrite growth in rapid solidification // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 101 (2016) 789-799
- I.G. Nizovtseva, P.K. Galenko, D.V. Alexandrov, The hyperbolic Allen-Cahn equation: Exact solutions, J Physica A: Theoretical and Mathematical 49 (2016) 435201-1-14.
- V.G. Lebedev, P.K. Galenko, High Speed Solidification and Melting Concentrated Solutions and Construction of Hillert Parallel, Russian Metallurgy (Metally) 8 (2016) 785–792.
- D.M. Herlach, S. Binder, P.K. Galenko, J. Gegner, D. Holland-Moritz, S. Klein, Matthias Kolbe, Th. Volkmann, Undercooled Melts: Ordering, Nucleation, and Dendrite Growth // Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 46A (2015) 4921- 4936
- H. Fu, M. Dehsara, M. Krivilyov, S.Dj. Mesarovic, D.P. Sekulic. Kinetics of the molten Al–Si triple line movement during a brazed joint formation // Journal of Materials Science, 2016, Volume 51, Issue 4, pp. 1798-1812
- M. Krivilyov, E. Kharanzhevskiy, S. Reshetnikov, L.J. Beyers. Thermodynamic assessment of chrome-spinel formation in laser sintered coatings with Cr2O3 particles // Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2016. DOI 10.1007/s11663-016-0616-y
- Wang H., Galenko P.K., Zhang X., Kuang W., Liu F., Herlach D.M. Abrupt disappearance of solute drag in a hyperbolic phase-field model of rapid solidification // Acta Materialia 90 (2015) 282-291
- Kharanzhevskiy E., Ipatov A., Nikolaeva I., Zakirova R. Short-Pulse Laser Sintering of Multilayer Hard Metal Coatings: Structure and Wear Behavior // Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing. 2015. Vol. 2. P. 91-102
- Galenko P.K., Sanches F.I., Elder K.R. Traveling wave profiles for a crystalline front invading liquid states: analytical and numerical solutions // Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 308 (2015) 1-10
- Alexandrov D.V., Galenko P.K. Thermo-solutal and kinetic regimes of an anisotropic dendrite growing under forced convective flow // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (2015) 19149-19161
- Galenko P.K., Danilov D.A., Alexandrov D.V. Solute redistribution around crystal shapes growing under hyperbolic mass transport // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 89 (2015) 1054-1060
- Krivilyov M., Rasquin M., Stappers L., Gordeev G., Fransaer J., Degrez G. Direct numerical simulation of near-wall turbulent flow and ionic mass transport in electrochemical reactors using a hybrid finite element/spectral method // Int. J. Heat Mass Tran., 2015, vol. 91, pp. 922-935
- Danilov D.A., Lebedev V.G., Galenko P.K. A grand potential approach to phase-field modeling of rapid solidification // Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics.- 2014.- Vol. 39, no. 2.- P. 93-111
- Binder S., Galenko P.K., Herlach D.M. The effect of fluid flow on the solidification of Ni2B from the undercooled melt // J. Applied Physics 115 (2014) 053511-1-11
- Galenko P.K., Kolbe M., Herlach D.M., Rettenmayr M. Kinetics of dendrite growth and dendritic fragmentation in the undercooled Co81.2Cu18.8 alloy's melt // Metallurgical Research and Technology 111 (2014) 295-303
- Kharanzhevskiy E., Reshetnikov S. Chromium oxide dissolution in steels via short pulse laser processing // Appl. Phys. A. (2014) Vol. 115. P. 1469-1477
- Kharanzhevskiy E., Kostenkov S. Modeling of laser radiation transport in powder beds with high-dispersive metal particles // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. (2014) Vol. 586. pp. S246-S249
- Jou D.; Galenko P.K. Coarse graining for the phase-field model of fast phase transitions. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 88 (2013) 042151-1-8
- Galenko, P. K.; Gomez, H.; Kropotin, N. V.; K. R. Elder. Unconditionally stable method and numerical solution of the hyperbolic phase-field crystal equation. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 88 (2013) 013310-1-13
- Zhang, L., Danilova, E.V., Steinbach, I., Medvedev, D., Galenko, P.K. Diffuse-interface modeling of solute trapping in rapid solidification: Predictions of the hyperbolic phase-field model and parabolic model with finite interface dissipation. ACTA MATERIALIA 61 (2013) 4155-4168
- Fu H., Dong F., Sekulic D.P., Mesarovic S.Dj., Krivilyov M. Surface tension driven kinetics of the triple line of a liquid metal free surface // ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Volume 7A: Fluids Engineering Systems and Technologies, San Diego, California, USA, November 15–21, 2013. ISBN: 978-0-7918-5631-4. Paper No. IMECE2013-62945, 8 p
- D.V. Alexandrov and P.K. Galenko, Dendritic growth with forced convection: methods of analysis and experimental tests, Physics-Uspekhi (Advances in Physical Sciences) 184(8) (2014) 833-850.
- E. Davidoff, P.K. Galenko, D.M. Herlach, M. Kolbe, N. Wanderka, Spinodally decomposed patterns in rapidly quenched Co–Cu melts, Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 1078–1092.
- D.V. Alexandrov and P.K. Galenko, Selection criterion for the growing dendritic tip at the inner core boundary, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46 (2013) 195101-1-12.
- D.V. Alexandrov and P.K. Galenko, Selection criterion of stable dendritic growth at arbitrary Péclet numbers with convection, Physical Review E 87 (2013) 062403-1-5.
- S. Binder, P.K. Galenko, D.M. Herlach, Faceting of a rough solid-liquid interface of a metal induced by forced convection, Philosophical Magazine Letters 93(10) (2013) 608-617.
- Krivilyov M., Volkmann T., Gao J., Fransaer J., Multiscale analysis of the effect of competitive nucleation on phase selection in rapid solidification of rare-earth ternary magnetic materials // Acta Materialia, 60 (2012) 112-122
- Reshetnikov S.M., Kharanzhevskii E.V., and Krivilev M.D. Corrosion-Electrochemical Behavior of Composite Layers Produced by Laser Sintering of Nanoscale Iron–Nickel Powders // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2012, Vol. 48, No. 7, pp. 729-734
- Reshetnikov S.M., Kharanzhevskiy E.V., Krivilyov M.D., and Sadiokov E.Ye. Corrosion-Electrochemical Behavior of Iron-Based Composite Layers Obtained by Laser Sintering // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, Pleiades Publishing, 2011, Vol. 47, No. 7, pp. 879–883
- Gordeev G.A., Ankudinov V.E., Krivilyov M.D. and Kharanzhevskiy E.V. Optimization of processing parameters in laser sintering of metallic powders // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2012, Vol. 27, 012079
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